My name is Filip, and here is something about me and my passion, Dry-Tooling!
I was born in 1990 in Slovenia. Several close to the Italian border, but I feel like I can call both countries my home.
The Julian Alps and the Dolomites nurtured the love for nature that my parents passed on to me. I started exploring the outdoors on my youth. At first, I was just visiting the mountains as a curious hiker and soon after also as a climber. Even though my parents were not alpinists they believed and supported me when I first climbing course at 14 and a support me later when I joined the local Alpine Club Nova Gorica. When I was 17 I started working at the local bouldering gym, which enabled me to train more often and at the same time meet free climbing But with time my passion for mountains and climbing grew stronger and I soon found my balance I was taking advantage of every free moment to go out to mountaineering trips with the alpine club, or to the gym the experienced climbers.

Even though I thoroughly enjoyed free climbing, the real turning point for me came in 2019, when I attended an Ice climbing course with Janez Jeglic. That's when I fell in love with the use of ice axes and crampons which opened a whole new world of climbing. One thing led to another and I started practicing dry-tooling and immediately fell in love with the sport. The new sport in which I discovered my passion and hobby. Dry-tooling took almost all my time and focus.

For me, it is the best sport! Extremely exciting, physically demanding and yet so challenging. It is so appealing and hard to look at, and soon I found myself fascinated by watching videos of athletes practicing it and quickly I began to the sport myself.

The best thing about dry-tooling is the complexity of the movements as well as the sheer strength and endurance required to perform them completely bewitched me. I began training with total persistence and determination, taking in all the advice I received from fellow climbers to improve my technique and training sessions.

There were many sacrifices I had to make, and a lot of energy, time and money that I had to spend to progress in the sport. However, after 5 years of dedicated and total commitment the results of my hard work showed and I was able to climb the hardest route in Slovenia only the DTS style of movement, soon after that, I became the first Slovenian to have successfully climbed a DTS route, and also made the fifth world repeats in a D15+ dry-tooling.

 | HDry | ambassador
 | HDry | ambassador


30.1.2022 Who let’s the Dogs Out M8+ M15- (Rosengarten - IT)
2.02.2023 Riglos M9 M15 (Val Gardena - IT)
12.3.2023 7/7b Jumbo Jet M7/Wi5+ (val Gardena-IT)
14.2.2023 Estre Dai D14 (Brugabble- SL)
26.5.2023 La Fada M13 D15 (Tomorrow’s world- IT)
12.01.2023 Oldowan D14 D15 (Tomorrow’s world-IT)
29.8.2023 Roxa Orlova D15+ (Beatue - SL)
5.11.2023 Kucher Inikziur D8 D5 (Fleil Cave - FR)
23.7.2023 D11/Plombsire-Br-FR)
8.12.2023 Kamastura D13+ (Bus del Quai-IT)

19.12.204 Priova Destra Wi6 (Val Gardena-IT)
26.1.2024 Godzilla M9+/Wi5+ (val Gardena- IT)
2.2.2024 D15 WI4 (val Gardena-IT)
5.3.2024 Slapiru de Profundis D14 (Bequi-IT)
22.3.2024 Kali M7 (Prediga-Slavia-IT)
3.4.2024 Low G-Man D14 D15 (Tomorrow’s world-IT)
15.4.2024 Urgonus Dorato D15 D5 (Bus del Quai- IT)
15.5.2024 Life Above The Sky D15 (Tomorrow’s world-IT)

 | HDry | ambassador

Our Ambassadors